In a distant land, hidden beyond the clouds, stood Gujo's Keep, a mysterious castle where the wise Gujo raised 1111 apes. He trained them in the ancient arts of combat, but the apes, though curious, remained mere observers, unable to fully comprehend his teachings.
One fateful day, a strange force swept through the castle, and the apes were transformed. The energy of the heavens aligned with Gujo’s training, awakening their minds and bodies. Suddenly, the apes were brilliant warriors, able to mimic every movement Gujo had shown them—and more. Their strength, speed, and intelligence grew to unimaginable levels.
When a horde of invaders attacked the castle, the apes, now united in purpose, took to the battlefield. They fought with precision, using tactics and wisdom they had absorbed through watching Gujo. Each ape became a master in their own right, countering every move the invaders made.